253 results for "memo":
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Behind the Memo - Selling Out

Mr. Market Miscalculates_JPN
上記の不確かな記憶から、ジョン・ケネス・ガルブレイス( John Kenneth Galbraith )が金融 市場で陶酔的熱病(ユーフォリア)が広がる最も重要な原因の 1 つとして挙 げた、「金融に関 する記憶の極端な短さ( the extreme brevity of the financial memory )」という鋭い指摘を連想 した。
Ruminating on Asset Allocation
When I travel to see clients and spend entire days discussing investing and the markets, memo ideas often pop up., Before I proceed, I want to mention that, from time to time in this memo, I’ll say “generally,” “usually,” or “everything else being equal.”, For the purposes of this memo, however, it might help to think of it as “fixed outcome” investing., The Essential Choice At the outset of this memo, I listed some of the decisions that comprise the asset allocation process., This memorandum is being made available for educational purposes only and should not be used for any other purpose.